Frequently Asked Questions

How soon should I register with Progenics?

What should I do after registering with Progenics?

How will cord blood be shipped to Progenics and how much will shipping cost?

How do I know if the cord blood has been received by Progenics?

What is cord blood?

What are Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC)?

What tests will be performed to assess the suitability of my baby's cord blood for banking?

When should cord blood be processed after collection?

How is cord blood processed?

What is the yield of total nucleated cells?

Why is the yield of total nucleated cells from processing important but not the yield of stem cells?

Does double stem cell extraction processing injure more cells than the conventional processing technique?

How do I know if the cord blood has been successfully processed?

How is cord blood cryopreserved?

How does Progenics ensure the stability and efficacy of stored cord blood?

How long can cord blood be stored?

How do I retrieve the cord blood when I need it for treatment?

Should I transfer my baby's cord blood if I move?

What are stem cell transplants used for?

What is the difference between cord blood and bone marrow transplants?

What kinds of diseases can be treated with cord blood stem cells?

What is the likelihood that I will need to use my stored cord blood?

How much cord blood is needed for a transplant?

Should I bank cord blood for each of my children?

Can a successful transplant of cord blood be guarenteed?

What does a cord blood bank do?

Why is accreditation important?

Can I make payments and change my information online?